Automating Cybersecurity: High-Tech Protection from High-Tech Attacks
Every day seems to bring news of another high-profile hack. Cyberattacks are occurring more frequently for one simple, if ominous, reason. They’re getting smarter. Recent attacks have proven more efficient, more streamlined, and more aggressive — making it difficult...
Targeting the Cloud: Cybercrime’s Next Big Exploit
If there is one thing everyone knows about cybersecurity, it’s this: The cloud is secure. But as with everything in technology, what everyone knows is changing yet again. Bad actors — both rogue and state-sponsored — have aimed their recent attacks at what has...
Overcoming a Cybersecurity Talent Crunch
Are you a small business owner? Or maybe the CEO of a multinational corporation? Either way, you’re about to run into a serious security conundrum. Cybercrime is on the rise, and the talent to prevent it is in short supply. Cybersecurity Ventures predicted a record...