Next Generation Vulnerability
Management and Threat Detection

Smarter. Faster. More Accurate.

Serving clients across numerous industries from small businesses to very large enterprises, Digital Defense’s innovative and leading edge information security technology helps organizations safeguard sensitive data and eases the burdens associated with information security. Frontline Vulnerability Manager™, the original Vulnerability Management as a Service (VMaaS) platform, delivers consistently accurate vulnerability scanning and penetration testing, while SecurED®, the company’s security awareness training promotes employees’ security-minded behavior.

The Digital Defense Frontline suite of products, underpinned by patented technology and complemented with unparalleled service and support, are highly-regarded by industry experts, as illustrated by the company’s designation as Best Scan Engine by Frost & Sullivan, five-star review in SC Magazine and inclusion in CRN’s MSP 500.


Organizational pressure to keep sensitive data and intellectual property secure is only increasing. Headline news associated with frequent and hard-hitting data breaches underscores the importance of staying on top of key security risks. And now – with CEOs, CIOs, CFOs, CISOs and security teams being held personally accountable – the stakes are higher than ever.

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What is on my network?

It all starts with having a scanner capable of quickly, comprehensively and accurately assessing endpoints and servers for operating system and application vulnerabilities.

DDI NIRV™, our patented scanning technology is regarded as the industry’s best scanning engine. Vulnerability scanning became a commodity long ago. And yet, finding the “signal in the noise” remains a challenge – even amongst well-known big brand solutions. What separates great vulnerability scanning tools from run of the mill scanning is – in a word – precision. Capabilities unique to NIRV have resulted in the network vulnerability scanning technology’s patent status. NIRV, in combination with patented and proprietary features in our industry recognized vulnerability management system, Frontline Vulnerability Manager (Frontline VM™), offer you unparalleled benefits

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Which assets are at risk, and what should I do about their vulnerabilities?

Once network assets have been scanned for a vulnerability analysis, data must be converted into actionable intelligence. It’s no secret that security analysts are overwhelmed and frustrated by mountains of vulnerability assessment data, much of which is either misleading or of limited value.

With point in time data accuracy provided by Frontline RNA and its NIRV technology, Frontline VM correlates scan information over time with its Digital Node Attribution (DDI DNA™) technology – ensuring that “network drift” is eliminated.

Frontline VM is also highly regarded by thousands of users as having the easiest to use, most intuitive user interface on the market. Clients who have switched from competitive products rave about workload reduction and increased effectiveness

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How do I measure my overall risk and where should I focus remediation efforts?

Frontline’s Security GPA rating system provides a clear, easy-to-understand picture of your organization’s security posture. Gone are the arcane “in the weeds” metrics that can’t be meaningfully communicated to executives. With Security GPA, you get a simple host security scorecard that updates dynamically as you assess vulnerabilities and institute remediation. Security GPA is the VM industry’s top vulnerability scoring and prioritization metric

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How can I integrate Frontline vulnerability findings into my security workflow?

With Frontline Connect, security workflow integration and automation extends far beyond the passive data upload provided by competitive solutions

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How do I assess where I’m exposed from an attacker’s perspective?

There are two key areas to check: your “network attack surface” and your “personnel attack surface”. Frontline Pen Test assesses the first, and Frontline Social Test assesses the second.

Frontline PenTest™
Performed by trained and certified security analysts utilizing a proven penetration testing methodology and industry best practices, Digital Defense knows how to get into the mind of a malicious hacker, and find weaknesses the way they do. Our proven and exhaustive security penetration testing process provides fast, cost-effective results – anytime and anywhere in the world

Frontline Social Test™
Social engineering is a type of cyber security attack that uses social engagement deception to convince individuals to provide confidential or otherwise valuable information to cyber criminals.

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How do I ensure all personnel are cognizant of risky “digital behavior”?

Most organizations utilize defense-in-depth safeguards for their networks. But these solutions are only one part of the equation. Humans continue to be a weak link in the chain.

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Am I meeting requisite compliance standards?

Not every industry with regulatory compliance explicitly requires pen testing and/or vulnerability management. HIPAA, for example, does not state outright a requirement for either.

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