Protect Your Data
First, Not Last.

Your Data. Our Mission.

We see the world of cybersecurity differently.

We’re fighting a different battle than conventional cybersecurity companies, relentlessly focused on securing data. Data assets are the most valuable – and vulnerable – components of the global economy. Along with employees, data is at the heart of almost every organization, yet conventional cybersecurity solutions, by themselves, have failed to protect it.

We take data from neglected to protected.

We arm our customers with an industry-leading platform that is built to protect the world’s most valuable and most vulnerable data. Varonis starts at the heart – with data – so our customers are prepared to defend their data against attacks from inside and out. Our platform eliminates repetitive, manual clean-up projects and automates manual data protection routines, so we bring security and cost-savings together – maybe for the first time in cybersecurity history.

Data continues to grow. More breaches are expected. The world is hybrid, and the cloud complicates data protection. Executive boards have gotten the message and drive action. New regulations provide more pressure. There’s never been a better time for technology that protects data first, not last.


On average, 20% of an organization’s data is accessible to every employee. Seventy percent of data breaches take months or years to discover.

But not for our customers. Varonis helps you find risk, reduce risk, and keep it from coming back.

Put data protection on autopilot   
It only takes one compromised endpoint to cause a headline-making data breach if your data is overexposed and unmonitored. Every CISO wants to prove to the board that they are actively reducing risk. With Automation Engine, you can safely automate risk reduction in days, not years.

Assess, prioritize, and mitigate your biggest IT security risks   
Our dashboards show where you’re at risk, and track your progress as you lock things down. Quickly pinpoint exposed sensitive GDPR files on your NAS, stale data in Office 365, or risky Active Directory misconfigurations that hackers love to exploit.

Classify sensitive data on-premises and in the cloud   
Focus your data protection efforts on your most important data. Varonis quickly and accurately classifies sensitive, regulated information stored in file shares, NAS devices, SharePoint, and Office 365. Apply labels to your files to enable DRM, encryption, and more.

Search a Unified Audit Trail of Events   
Know exactly what’s happening with your data and stop breaches before they happen.
With a unified audit trail, admins or security analysts are only a few clicks away from knowing who’s been opening, creating, deleting, or modifying important files, sites, Azure Active Directory objects, emails, and more.

Simplify security investigations: detect suspicious activity on your data, get insight into privileged account behavior, and investigate security incidents directly in your dashboard.

Protect your data wherever it lives

DatAlert gives you actionable intelligence and security analytics on your data: analyze behavioral patterns to see when a user is acting suspiciously – and compare their activity against their peers, their normal working hours, and their typical behavior.

Incident response playbooks   
Get actionable steps to investigate and respond to cyberattacks before it’s too late: leverage incident response playbooks that cover everything from incident notification to containment to recovery, all directly in the web UI.

Investigations & forensics   
Visualize security threats with an intuitive dashboard, investigate security incidents – even track alerts and assign them to team members for closure. Rewind to see incidents from the past, identify breaches that may have already occurred, and pre-emptively tune out false positives.

Out-of-the-box threat intelligence   
Monitor and track malicious (or suspicious) connections with out-of-the-box threat intelligence – so you can get external IP and URL enrichment in context with suspicious behavior and unusual activity for deeper insight on potential security incidents. 

Don't rely on signatures   
Our dedicated team of security experts and data scientists continually introduce new behavior-based threat models to monitor patterns, track the latest APTs, and keep your data safe.

Achieve regulatory compliance   
Prove to auditors that you’re not just watching regulated data, but proactively protecting it. Track, monitor, and automatically alert on regulated data to pass audits for PCI-DSS, GDPR, HIPAA, SOX, GLBA, FISMA, and more.

Get the big picture   
Knowing something’s amiss isn’t enough – so get the full picture with context: see how unusual behavior maps to incidents and activity across platforms.
Get a holistic view of what’s going on: see user actions, monitor their behavior, and automatically compare against peer behavior.

Discover Your Riskiest Data

Varonis discovers sensitive content, shows you where it is exposed, and helps you lock it down (and keep it that way) without interrupting business.

Classify sensitive data on-premises and in the cloud
Turn on the lights and see what’s hiding inside your files. Varonis automatically scans and classifies sensitive, regulated information stored in file shares, NAS devices, SharePoint, and Office 365.

Data Classification Engine gives context around sensitive data, so that you can easily identify and lock down overexposed data, stale data, and remediate security vulnerabilities. Create rules that combine content sensitivity with risk exposure, usage and file system metadata, so that nothing falls through the cracks.

Finding sensitive data is only the beginning

Comply with access requests   
A full-text index and sensitive content search helps you comply with requirements like public access requests, GDPR’s Right to be Forgotten and Subject Access Requests (SARs).

Advanced classification criteria   

Our rules contain a complex set of conditions that identify sensitive patterns using regular expressions, proximity of text and algorithms that validate the correctness of the data. Easily apply custom tags, flags, and notes to datasets that are accessible in the UI, reports, and via our API.

Automate remediation   
Once you’ve classified your critical data, Varonis helps remediate security vulnerabilities like inconsistent ACLs and overexposed access to sensitive data. With Automation Engine, organizations have remediated petabytes of overexposed sensitive information in weeks, not years.

Actionable data security   
Automatically move data according to business policy, quarantine sensitive or regulated data that is overexposed, and archive or delete stale data that’s no longer being used.

Up-to-date patterns and rules   
We’re continually adding patterns (including GDPR patterns), RegExes, positive keywords, negative keywords, and more. Get out-of-the-box classification policy with regular updates.

How Varonis Helps Fight Ransomware

Varonis protects you from ransomware with rapid detection, optimized access controls, and data-driven recovery.

Varonis detects ransomware on your core IT systems

File servers, NAS, and the cloud – where terabytes of your most critical data lives – and stops the attack in its tracks.

Our ransomware defense architecture is designed to protect enterprise data from zero-day attacks beyond the endpoint – catching ransomware that traditional perimeter security doesn’t see.

Analyze file system activity to detect when an attack is underway: DatAlert identifies over 850 known variants as well as 0-day attacks with sophisticated user behavior analytics.

Monitor and alert on suspicious user activity and behaviors that resemble ransomware with predictive threat models and trigger automatic responses that shut down compromised accounts automatically – before they do serious damage.

Prevent damage

Reduce your attack surface by identifying and locking down access controls that ransomware and attackers exploit.

Discover overexposed sensitive data and global groups that lead to increased security vulnerabilities and ransomware infections.

Prioritize remediation by identifying sensitive and regulated content with the Data Classification Engine, and automatically remove global access groups across entire data stores with the Automation Engine.

3 Ways Varonis Helps You Fight Insider Threats

Insider threats keeping your executives up at night? They’ll probably always be worried, and rightly so, but there are things you can do to help them get a little shuteye, and get in a few extra winks for yourself, while you’re at it.

Rapid Detection and Response   
Varonis DatAdvantage captures more information about how users
interact with data than any other technology – it analyzes file system activity on platforms that provide adequate auditing through their API’s, like those from Netapp and EMC and in Office365, and uses file system filters to capture metadata for platforms where native auditing is lacking, like Windows, Unix, Exchange, and SharePoint. Varonis DatAdvantage also collects critical Active Directory events, like logon events and group changes, and with Varonis Edge, telemetry from DNS servers, web proxies and VPN concentrators.

Data Lockdown   
One of the biggest soft spots for insider threats is shared folders, which typically hold 10 to 1,000 times more data than on a laptop or a workstation. In the 2017 Varonis Data Risk Report, we found that 20% of all shared folders were open to every employee. One rogue user could potentially steal any part of 20% of your data without requiring any more sophistication than mapping a drive.
Varonis DatAdvantage analyzes file system permissions, user and group relationships, and activity to find overly broad access granted through global groups (like everyone, authenticated users, and domain users), permissions malfunctions, and excessive group memberships. DatAdvantage also provides the ability to model or sandbox changes to reduce access, and then execute them, safely. The Varonis Data Classification Engine can help you prioritize remediation efforts by identifying sensitive and regulated content, and the Varonis Automation Engine can safely remove global access groups over entire shares or servers – automatically. By reducing broad access, an insider can do far less damage.

Data Cleanup   
Varonis automates data disposition and clean-up projects. Sensitive data that’s exposed to all insiders can be locked down or quarantined. Non-business data can be deleted. Data that hasn’t been accessed for a long time can be moved to cheaper storage and restricted. The Varonis Data Transport Engine allows you to define rules to identify data that meets criteria for sensitivity and relevance, move or delete it, even translating permissions across data stores and domains.
By reducing the amount of accessible stale and sensitive data, you can reduce the scope of damage an insider can do.

Detect Threats at the Perimeter

Our best-in-class security analytics combines perimeter telemetry with data access activity to detect and stop malware, APT intrusions, and data exfiltration.
Track suspicious activity from the core to the edge
Edge analyzes metadata from perimeter technologies like DNS, VPN, and web proxies to spot signs of attack at the perimeter. We put perimeter activity in context with a user’s core data access activity, geolocation, security group memberships and more — giving your SOC analysts cleaner, more meaningful alerts.

  • Analyze activity on perimeter devices including DNS, VPN, and web proxies.
  • Apply geolocation and threat intelligence to your security telemetry.
  • Track potential data leaks at the edge and attacks at the point of entry.

Simplify security investigations
Edge takes the manual work out of investigations. Get everything you need for incident response in a single intuitive investigation screen.
Analysts can quickly see whether the user is accessing the network from a normal location (for them), if the account is privileged, if sensitive data was accessed, and if the event occurred during a user’s normal time window and more.
Edge normalizes raw events so you don’t have to
Perimeter devices are verbose, usually out of order, and each device type and vendor writes logs in their own way. Security analysts should be spending time hunting threats, not fighting with log data. Edge cuts away the noise, giving you clean, human-readable events.

Learn More
Discover how SecureNation can help you better protect your IT assets.